Friday, October 29, 2010

In the Begining....

One of the first things we always want to know about a couple is the story of how they met. What brought you together, how did this begin? Well, we thought it would be fun to tell Capture fans our story.

Lets set the scene; Bad florescent lighting, uncomfy desks & a color management class. Glamorous, no? But throw two girls with a sense of humor and a drive to succeed together, and something wonderful happened. We tackled our project with enthusiasm, and as the semester wore on, we realized something; we work well together. Scratch that, we work great together. We each picked up where the other left off, and collectively we pulled off a photography stunt that was beyond what either of us could have dreamed of doing alone.

In the spring of our junior year, we received some incredible news. We’d been awarded the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Undergraduate Fellowship in Photography. Turns out that color theory class wasn’t such a bad gig after all, and we took the award as a sign that we had something special.

So, we continued working together, and years later, we find the same things to be true. We still push each other, inspire each other, and find a way to make a little magic. And in case you’re wondering about those first photographs, here are a couple of samples. Enjoy!

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